The offer (bonus) shortcodes become available after installing and activating the ACES plugin.
Fill in only the shortcode parameters that you use, and leave the rest blank. By default, items in shortcodes are sorted by date added.
Single Item #1
[aces-offer-1 item_id="" dark_background=""]
The available shortcode parameters:
item_id – only one offer (bonus) ID allowed.
dark_background – add 1 if you place the shortcode on a dark background. To enable light fonts.
Pros & Cons Shortcode #1
[aces-pros-1 title="Pros"]
<li>Aenean bibendum tempor lectus</li>
<li>Vestibulum ultricies</li>
<li>Nunc consectetur urna quis elit</li>
[aces-cons-1 title="Cons"]
<li>Aenean bibendum tempor lectus</li>
<li>Vestibulum ultricies</li>
<li>Nunc consectetur urna quis elit</li>